I Can Bring Home the Bacon....
“I can bring home the bacon. Fry it up in a pan. And never never never let you forget you’re a man.” These inspiring lyrics were from a perfume ad that ran on television in 1979.
Many of you who may be reading this are likely not familiar with this ad. I clearly remember singing along to this catchy tune, and I also remember buying into what it was telling me- that as a woman, I would not only have to work and make money, but I would still be responsible for some of the traditional female roles- housekeeper, cook, and, of course, I would have to be sure to please my man.
The 70s were a time of tremendous change when it came to women in the workforce. Where women in previous generations were expected to stay home and take care of children and their husbands, the women’s liberation movement encouraged women to step outside of conventional roles and fulfill their own dreams- and often that included work.
When I look at society today, I wonder, how much has really changed? Most of the women I serve in my coaching practice DO a lot in their lives. They work- sometimes for less pay than men, even now. They take care of children, houses, bills, parents, car maintenance, and husbands or wives. They DO so much that when I ask them deeper questions about who they are and what they want they generally look at me blankly and whisper, “I don’t know.”
DOING without clear direction and intention is just busyness.
In order to truly get what we really want in life we need to be willing to slow down and learn how to BE.
To BE present.
To BE compassionate with ourselves.
To BE honest about what we truly desire.
To BE ourselves
I’m leading a complimentary workshop for women on Sunday 10/27 in downtown Los Angeles that will address the disparity between being a Human DOING and a Human Being.
If you’d like to learn more about how to BE join me, it’s going to be powerful AND fun.
Click here for more information and registration- www.laurafostercoaching.com/workshop
And if you know another woman who would benefit from this day, share this with her!