Private One to One Coaching
In addition to speaking and running group coaching programs, I do take on a small number of private clients at a time. Clients come to me for my wisdom, my compassion, my honesty, and above all, for life altering results. Whether it’s to transition into a new career, up-level in their leadership, or shift a significant relationship, I am fiercely loyal to my clients. I feel deeply invested in their success and their happiness. And, in service to this- I am willing to do whatever is required to support my clients in their healing and their growth. My goal with every client is for them to look at me in our last session and say- “This would have been a bargain at ten times the fee.” That’s my commitment to every client I serve.

Coaching Changed My Life- About My Coaching
Before working with my first coach I thought I was broken. I was sure there was something wrong with me on a fundamental level. I felt separate and different than everyone else. I desperately wanted to feel seen, to feel loved, to feel whole.
If you’ve ever felt this way, you are not alone. Unfortunately most of us didn’t receive training in how to connect with our underlying desires, or how to love ourselves enough to create what we want.
This changed for me through two things- my education in Spiritual Psychology at The University of Santa Monica and in my work with my own coaches.
My first coach believed in me. She saw so much potential for me. She loved me fiercely. She helped me access deeper levels of truth within myself. This- this love, this support, this faith- changed everything.
I began to see myself as someone who is not broken. In fact, I am absolutely and completely whole- and I don’t have to do anything to prove that. I started to expand my vision for what my future could look like. I began to take different action steps in my life. And as a result, my life today is completely different than it was a decade ago.
I start with this philosophy in my own coaching:
My clients are not broken. My clients are magnificent and loving and whole- even though they often don’t see this in themselves.
My job is to ask questions, to listen, to work with my clients to access their deepest desires, and to support them to take new and different actions to create what they want.
Coaching can be wildly transformative, but there are a few things that are required to achieve this.
First, before we enter a coaching relationship, we have a conversation (sometimes two) to decide if we are a great fit for one another. I want to know you. I want to know everything about your world. Your challenges, your opportunities, your hopes, and your dreams. We take the time to slow down and craft a vision for the future that you want to create. This may be very different from the path you are currently on. But this is where we start- with your vision.
Then we craft action steps to start to create that vision.
I believe in coaching so much that I will always have a coach. Because coaching makes me better. Coaching makes me happier. Coaching helps me thrive.
It’s not always fun and it’s not always easy. But in my experience, coaching is worth every penny.
Coaching changed my life.
What if coaching can change yours?

What’s Included?
I create customized coaching packages for each client. Depending on your needs, packages may include some or all of the items listed below.
Private 1:1 Calls
Every coaching package includes a minimum of two 90 minute calls with me every month.
Unlimited Email Support
I am always available to my private clients by email. We use email to work with issues that come up between sessions and to support you with accountability.
Spot Phone Calls
In between sessions, when something in your life can’t be handled by email, we get on the phone for a short call.
Packages may include VIP days or complimentary registration in one of my group programs.
Would you like to experience my coaching for yourself?
The only way to see if coaching is right for you is to spend some time together in a conversation. I work with clients over time, and it’s imperative that I both understand where you are in your life and what you want to create, and that you are clear about what coaching is and what it can do for you. Coaching changed my life. What if it can change yours?