An invitation to return to the knowing, on a visceral level, that creativity, and spirituality, and the juiciness and joy of life are all inextricably connected within you.

The Creative Visionary is a six-month group coaching program designed to bring you back into alignment with your creative soul.

What is This All About?

There's a place inside of you where creativity flows naturally. Where your ideas feel exciting rather than exhausting. Where your creative insights feel genuinely YOURS.

For too many of us, this place gets lost under the weight of expectations, obligations, and our busy, busy, busy culture. We've lost touch with our creative integrity, and with it, something essential to the experience of being human.

The Creative Visionary is an invitation to come home. To rediscover and reclaim your creative integrity. To understand that creativity isn't just for people who deem themselves artists and designers, but is fundamental to a fully expressed life, no matter what you do for work (and fun).

Whether you're feeling completely disconnected from your creativity, or you already have a creative practice that you want to deepen, The Creative Visionary offers a path to a more profound relationship with your creative gifts. Even those who feel satisfied with their creative expression often discover there are whole new levels of alignment, joy, and impact waiting to be unlocked.

If you’re still on this page, if something within you is gently (or loudly) trying to get your attention, keep reading. Your creative soul is trying to get your attention.

Does Any of This Sound Familiar?

-You're constantly racing from one task to the next, hardly ever finding space to breathe.

-Despite checking off to-do lists and meeting deadlines, there's a persistent feeling that something vital is missing from your work and/or life.

-You miss the surge of energy your creativity used to provide and feel like your relationship with creativity is, at best, “fine.*”

-You just can’t seem to get to that project that’s been on your heart for years- the garden, the pottery class, the book….

-When you do have downtime, you find yourself too exhausted to engage with the creative pursuits that once brought you joy.

-You wonder why taking a vacation leaves you feeling behind rather than refreshed and why pursuing your passions feels like another obligation rather than a source of fulfillment.

-You've tried time management techniques, productivity apps, and calendar blocking, but the disconnect only seems to grow deeper.

What many people don't realize is that these struggles aren't simply about time management or work-life balance. They're symptoms of a deeper issue: a disconnection from your creative integrity.

Creative integrity isn't just about making art or being traditionally "creative." It's about honoring the breadth of inspiration, innovation, and authenticity that lives within you- the place where your spirituality, your purpose, and your truest expression meet.

To quote Roy Kent in Ted Lasso- “ You deserve someone (or something) who makes you feel like you've been struck by f*cking lightning.
Don't you dare settle for "fine."

Are You Out of Creative Integrity?


  • Overwhelming exhaustion when you think about creating anything- from a dinner party to a one-woman show.

  • Feeling shame about your creative ideas- or even feeling shame about the fact that you have creative ideas.

  • You wonder if your creativity has “dried up” or that there’s not enough to go around, and you need to protect and hoard what you have.

  • A torturous desire for a break between projects that never materializes.

  • Buying into the belief that “no one values creativity.”

  • A yearning to feel fulfilled by your work- whether that’s the work you do for money or the work you do for your heart.

  • Anger and/or resentment against the company or people you pay you for your creative ideas.

  • A reticent knowing that you are compromising your values.

  • A nagging sense of emptiness despite external success.

  • Irritation about feeling constantly pressured to creatively perform.

  • Thinking that if you could “just take a year (or insert your ideal timeframe here) off,”  you could find your creative spark again.

  • A loss of interest in things that used to inspire you and bring you joy.

  • A deep-seated fear that you’re settling.

  • Waiting for opportunities to come to you rather than creating them.

  • A whisper inside that asks, “Have I sold my soul?”

  • Engaging in unhealthy competition with others in your field.

  • A deep belief that you are not worthy of your own creativity or that you are not the vessel your creativity needs to express itself.

You may even feel somewhat content with your creative life, but sometimes wonder if you're playing it safe rather than fully expressing what’s yours to share.

The BIG Problem Nobody is Talking About..

Something important has been lost in our incessant striving for productivity and achievement.

If you identify with any of the statements above, you’re likely noticing a growing gap between the work you produce and the work your heart longs to create.

You may sense it in those quiet moments when you wonder if this is all there is- if those creative dreams that once excited you were actually real or if they still matter.

I want to be clear. This isn't just burnout. It's not simply about needing more time, better boundaries, or a thicker skin.

This is all evidence of a profound disconnection from your creative integrity. 

And it's costing you more than you realize.

I’ve yet to see a playbook about how to both come into and maintain integrity with our creativity. 

Until now. 

My Story of Creative Integrity

I remember the first time I consciously compromised my creative integrity.

I had been directed by my boss to directly knock off another designer's product (I was a fashion designer specializing in handbags).

I said NO a handful of times until, finally, in her office, I felt so exhausted and such a lack of confidence that I nodded my head and agreed to do it.

I walked out with my shoulders slumped, eyes downcast, and a kernel of understanding that my creativity no longer belonged to me.

What I didn't understand at the time was how that decision would evolve. How it would lead me into a crisis of confidence about my capabilities as a designer, would cause me to second-guess every move I made creatively, and would ultimately create a severe disconnection with my creative soul. 

Now, from the outside, it looked like all my dreams had come true. I was working as a fashion designer- a goal I'd set for myself as a small child. I got to draw all day for a living. I was making more money than anyone in my family had ever made. I traveled to places like Hong Kong, Paris, and Madagascar for work.

And yet, inside, I felt a painful void. I knew that I was doing things that sacrificed my morals and values as a creative. I didn't feel like my creativity belonged to me anymore.

Honestly, it seemed like I was prostituting my creativity for money.

And my creativity was having none of it. I could feel it getting harder and harder to access. I started to outsource both inspiration and direction to others. I relied on buyers and bosses and strangers to tell me what they wanted from me.

The quality of my work suffered. How could it not? I lost all confidence in myself as a designer and as a creative being, and I became a workhorse, bending to the will of anyone who wanted to tell me what to do.

I stopped going to figure drawing classes, my FAVORITE thing in the world, because I felt like I was cheating on my employer by using my creativity just for me.

Here's what I know now: It doesn't have to be this way.

We can absolutely be in full creative integrity and use that creativity for clients or for a company and make money doing so. 

We can know, with unwavering certainty, that our creativity is not separate from us, that it is something that is inherent in us. Always. Even when it doesn’t feel like it.

Ultimately, none of us are selling our creativity for money. We may earn money from the ideas that stem from that creativity or the products that we bring to fruition, but the creativity itself? That’s something that is between us and God, or Spirit, or the Universe (use whichever word resonates for you). 

Listen, I know how hard it’s been for me to realign with my creative integrity, and I get why people avoid this. It can be terrifying to take a stand for this crucial and super tender part of ourselves. It can feel so personal, so vulnerable, so real, and so raw.

And, to live the lives we are born to live and to make the contributions we are here to make on this earth, creative integrity is profoundly necessary.

What Can Change When You Reclaim Your Creativity?
Aside from… EVERYTHING??

Imagine if you could:

  • SEE YOURSELF as a creative visionary. (Yes. YOU)

  • Fully commit to making the creative difference you want to make- in yourself, in your family, in your community, and in the world.

  • Know the value of your work, your ideas, and your contributions.

  • Become committed to sharing your creative acumen.

  • Feel that nurturing and developing your creativity is a privilege rather than an obligation.

  • No longer conflate your worth and value as an individual with your work output.

  • Know that your creative potential is unlimited.

  • Act on your desires rather than pushing them off into the future.

  • Understand how to access inspiration and make it a regular part of your personal practices. 

  • Feel joy and satisfaction on a regular basis.

  • Get excited and feel enthusiasm about new creative projects instead of dreading them.

  • Consiously CREATE your own opportunities instead of waiting for them.

  • Know that creativity isn't a limited resource, that there's always more. If someone copies you, you’ll see this as an opportunity to uplevel.

  • Feel a sense of deep community with a group of powerful, committed fellow creatives.

  • As the CEO of your life, consistently schedule visioning time in your calendar.

When you reclaim your creative integrity, you don't just change how you work. You change how you LIVE. Everything shifts: your relationships, your health, your impact, and most importantly, your relationship with yourself.

When I started leading my latest creative program, Content Creation Lab, I felt this shift deepen in myself. My energy shifted. I feel refueled and excited about my work again. I'm having FUN. 

That creative integrity has fueled my desire to create this program and to share it with you.

What Will You Get Out of This Program?

You'll discover which practices help you connect with your creativity and which don't. We'll dive into inspiration, and you'll get to experiment with different approaches to find what works for YOU.

You'll know in your bones that you are a creative being, no matter what you do as a profession.

You'll come out of this program confident that your creativity is something that you and only you shepherd. You'll understand that you can sell the PRODUCTS of that creativity, but you are the only one who guides it.

You'll feel like you are more aligned with the work of your soul.

You'll feel alive and on purpose.

You will be in creative integrity.

What About Creative Projects?

TO BE CLEAR: You absolutely do NOT need to have a pending creative project to join this program!

But if you do have a book, a speech, a program, an album, or an art series (etc) you're working on (or want to start), you can definitely bring it into this container.

While our bi-monthly calls won't focus on specific action steps for your project, you'll have the opportunity to partner up with others in the group to help keep you accountable. We'll also have weekly co-working hours so you have dedicated time in your calendar to work.

Here's the deeper truth, though: If you don't do the work to come into alignment with your creative integrity BEFORE you work on a creative project, you may not create the thing you really want or need to create.

Your creativity has information for you. It's so important to slow down to listen.

It's in this listening, this slowing down, this ATTENTION that we can hear the whispers of inspiration, that we can know that we are following our soul's purpose.

The Power of Community

I guarantee that the best part of this program is going to be the opportunity to build a community of like-minded, creative humans. Most bi-monthly calls have break-out rooms so you can work 1:1 with the other participants to build and deepen relationships. You'll also have monthly partner calls where you'll work with someone from the group in a process.

By the time we close out together in September, I’ve no doubt that this group will be fully bonded.

And this is not just wishful thinking. Three years after the close of one of my groups, those clients are STILL meeting monthly on Zoom, and they've scheduled several in-person retreats to be together.

What’s Included?

Initial Retreat

We begin on Saturday, 5/3, with a full-day immersion that can be done in person in LA or virtually.

Weekly Co-Working Calls

We’ll schedule dedicated time to work on creative projects for accountability.

Bi-Monthly Group Coaching Calls

We meet as a group for 2 hours twice a month on Zoom from 5 - 7 pm Pacific on Wednesdays. Calls will be recorded.

Private Circle Group

We’ll have our own private messaging channel so you can receive unlimited support from Laura and connect with the other participants.

2 1:1 Private Coaching Calls with Laura

The group includes two one-hour coaching calls with Laura to be used for support as needed.

Monthly Partner Calls

You’ll meet with another person from the group once per month to deepen in your connection and learning.

Two-Day In-Person Closing Retreat

We’ll close together in the Los Angeles, CA area with two in-person days. Part of this can be done virtually.

Resources and Guest Teachers

You’ll receive a minimum of two books and enjoy guest teachers, bonus resources, and surprises.

The Investment

What’s Next?

You'll notice that my website doesn't have a buy now button. Everyone who comes into this program will come through conversations with me. I am curating a group of intelligent, loving, generous, and accomplished humans who are ready to up-level their creativity and their lives.

Curious? Intrigued? A little scared? Let's talk. Email me at to book a call. There's no pressure on calls with me. My commitment is to fill this group with people who are ready and dedicated to getting and giving support.

Space is limited to 20 people to ensure a deep, transformative experience for everyone.

This journey is valuable whether you're in creative crisis or creative flow. Some of our most profound transformations have come from participants who were already doing well but discovered there was so much more available to them through this deeper integrity work.


  • In addition to having two opportunities to get coaching on the group calls per month, Laura is available weekdays on Circle, and you also get two one-hour 1:1 calls with her. If you’d like additional sessions, there will be an option to add more calls at a special discounted package rate.

  • This program will require an average commitment of 2 - 3 hours per week to see the best results.

  • I get asked this question all the time! There will be a thorough vetting process to ensure that this is a consciously created group with people who are in various seasons of work and life and who can play well together. This group will be filled with accomplished, intelligent, and compassionate humans. You can expect to be challenged by them. You will all come together to help each other grow.

  • You will be responsible for all travel, food, and lodging for both retreats. In the past, participants have gone together and rented Airbnbs to bond and share costs. You’re also responsible for any expenses related to a creative project should you choose to participate in one. 

  • Nope. This will be entirely up to you.


6 months. (May through October 2025)

Bi-monthly Group Calls: Two-hour sessions to explore creative integrity and practice reconnection techniques. Calls happen on Wednesday evenings from 5 - 7 pm Pacific time. Calls start on 5/14/25.

Monthly Partner Calls: Paired sessions with another participant to deepen your work and build community.

Weekly Co-Working Calls: Dedicated time to work on creative projects with accountability. Times and days will be staggered to accommodate different time zones and availability.

Weekly Artist Dates: Self-guided experiences to refill your creative well (based on Julia Cameron's work)

Opening Retreat: Saturday, 5/3/25. Full-day immersion to begin our journey (in-person in Los Angeles with a virtual option).

Closing Retreat: Two-day final gathering in LA to celebrate and integrate on 10/18/25 - 10/19/25. Some parts of the final retreat will have a virtual option for those who cannot travel to LA.

1:1 Support: Two private one-hour coaching calls with Laura to be used within the program.

Private Circle Group: We’ll have our own private messaging channel so you can receive unlimited support from Laura and connect with the other participants.

The Fee: The pay-in-full fee is $4995. Payment plans are as low as $685 per month for 8 months.

Community: A curated group of intelligent, loving, generous, and accomplished humans who are ready to uplevel their creativity and their lives.

If You Want MORE Creativity in Your Life…

Contact me, and let’s discuss if this is the right fit for you.