Start today.

Is this you?

Have you been telling yourself, “This is only temporary.” for two YEARS?

Can you see it yet? This isn’t temporary. This is your LIFE.

And, this is good news because once you see this you can start to shift.

And, you haven’t done anything “wrong.” I just have another idea for you.

We cannot change what we do not see.

What if you slowed down, release the teeth you’ve been gritting for years and took a deep breath?

Look around you. This is your life. Right now. Today. In the messiness of the kitchen table and the uncertainty of the future.

What can you do today, right now, right where you are, to feel alive again, maybe even to feel that spark of joy again or that blush of satisfaction?

Do you remember what it feels like to be truly alive? To have your cells bursting with energy and enthusiasm?

You could dance to your favorite cheesy song from high school. You could get out in nature and focus, really focus on the beauty and the majesty around you. You could get down on the floor with your dog or your child and fully participate in the joy of play.

You know what makes you feel alive.

Are you willing to put a stop to the autopilot you’ve allowed to run your life and to reclaim a few moments to live?

Because every small moment of aliveness you create adds up to a life filled with more enthusiasm, more joy, and more YOU.

Start small.

Start today.

Just start.

Repost from @theriveterco


This is temporary.


60 Years.