Women with an impact.

This group. These women.

Last weekend was our final in-person retreat for my Women Who Want More coaching group. We did an exercise about positive projections. When we are inspired by someone else it is so important to slow down and realize the brilliance we recognize in other lives within us. If it wasn’t inside of us, we wouldn’t recognize it.

Whatever we see, the vulnerability in Bréne Brown, the dedication in Serena Williams, or the grace and integrity in Michelle Obama, if we see it, we have the opportunity to own it.

Every single one of these women inspires me. In the last six months they have, collectively, left careers that no longer served them to see what’s next, created new relationships, befriended time, drawn firmer boundaries, gotten comfortable with BIG ASKS, and underneath it all, learned to love themselves and put themselves first.

Most of them came into this group as strangers, but they aren’t leaving that way. They have forged life-long friendships and they are so in love with this work that they’ve asked to continue together as a group.

This is why I coach - to see the transformation that is possible when clients slow down and are willing to see themselves as the resourceful, creative, brilliant beings they really are.

Thank you to all the women in this group. I see my own brilliance through each and every one of you.

If you want results like this- I’m running another round of Women Who Want More this Fall. We start in October. Reach out for more info.

And, if you want a taste of me and my work- come to my complimentary virtual workshop next Sunday called Time Mastery for Busy Humans.

I promise it will be worth your time.


60 Years.


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