Content Creation Lab
THE container to jump-start your big goals for 2025.
Content Creation Lab is a Six-Week Group Coaching Program designed to give you a solid foundation to develop your talk, your book, your new program or workshop series, or give you the tools to hone in on your thought leadership.
Enrollment is Open Through Tuesday, 2/11/25. You will get recordings of everything you missed. Don’t miss this round! We begin Wednesday, February 5, 2025.
Why this Program? Why Now?
Since you’re on this page, I’m going to assume that you have lots of big ideas. As creative humans, many of us are not short on ideas. But, when it comes to execution- that’s another story.

If your ideas include a nonfiction book, a keynote talk, or a new program or masterclass series, or if you have little to no idea how to talk about your thought leadership, you’re in the right place.
Why this matters to me:
I’ve been talking about writing a book for years. I finally decided that turning my current keynote, Fall Back in Love with Your Work, into a book would be relatively simple.
What was not so simple was that- when I sat down to actually work on this project, I discovered that while I really do care if people hate or love their work, and my story lends itself to this topic really well, there is a desire inside to share a different message.
A message about creative integrity. A message about what happens to our creativity when we sell it for money.
So, I’m writing a new keynote- which will surely become a program and eventually a book.
I’m inviting you to come along with me. Over the course of six weeks, we will look at all the aspects you need in place to write your keynote or your book or develop your program.
What will this be like?
This will not be a series of lectures!
We’ll meet weekly for working sessions. I will lead every call with directions and instructions each week to help you focus. There will be opportunities for coaching at the end of each call.
You will be asked to pull out your Post-it notes to make your ideas visible, roll up your sleeves, and get to work.
This is NOT a place to hide out and keep putting off your project. This is the place to get your hands dirty and execute.
By the end of the program, you will have a wall of Post-it notes containing all the necessary building blocks for your next big project.
Here are just a few of the things this program will cover:
We’ll be mining stories- your stories, your client's stories, and stories from current events and history. You’ll have the opportunity to share some of these stories with your audience along the way- establishing your thought leadership, connecting more deeply with your audience, and laying the stage for what is to come.
We’ll use the classic keynote structure of Problem, Cause, and Solution to flesh out your message. It’s imperative that you get clear about what problem you’re solving (from your perspective and from the perspective of your audience,) the cause of that problem, and your unique solution.
You will be so committed and confident about your WHY by the end of this program that you will be able to talk about it anywhere. You’ll no longer be searching for words when it comes to your marketing.
Here’s where you can expect to be at the end of the program:
If you’re writing a talk- you’ll be almost there. You will have all the building blocks, in the right order, to flesh it out- whether this is for a shorter Ted-style talk or for a longer keynote.
If you’re writing a book, you’ll have a foundation to map out your outline and start to write. Your stories will be in place. Your concepts and research will be in place. You’ll have already started.
If you’re planning a program or course- You’ll have everything you need to write your marketing copy. You’ll know who your course is for, and you’ll have a strong base to decide how to execute the content over time.
If you’re a thought leader and you’ve been struggling to talk about who you are and what you do, you will have a solid understanding of what YOU uniquely have to offer and the tools to talk to your audience about it.

Join us! Let’s get you started on your BIG IDEA.
What’s Included?
Weekly Group Workshopping Calls
We meet six times as a group for 90 minutes Wednesdays on Zoom from 10:30 am to noon Pacific. Calls begin on 2/5/25 and will be recorded.
Private Facebook Group
We’ll have our own private Facebook group so you can connect with the other participants and get support and coaching from me.
Weekly Open Coaching Calls
Each week, we’ll have a 60-minute open coaching call for extra support. These will be scheduled to accommodate the different time zones for participants.
What do previous participants in my programs have to say?
Register Now
Have Questions?
See FAQs below or email me at laura@laurafostercoaching.com and I’ll get back to you.
Entrepreneurs, coaches, trainers, consultants, speakers, writers… anyone who wants to share their ideas in a book, talk, program, or course.
The workshopping calls themselves are 90 minutes per week. Because these are working calls, most of the work can be done in the sessions. You may want to spend additional time refining your ideas and researching on your own. There will also be an optional 60-minute open coaching call available each week.
I am on every live call- the workshopping calls and the open coaching calls. I will also be available for support and coaching in the Facebook group. If you’d like additional 1:1 support with this, contact me, and we’ll set up a package for you.
I get asked this question all the time! I tend to attract a mix of intelligent, creative, and compassionate clients to my programs.