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Satisfaction 101

Date: Sunday, February 4, 2024
Time: 11 am - 1 pm Pacific
Location: Online- Zoom Link will be sent before the event
Fee: Complimentary

Hosted by Laura Foster, MA, Speaker and Professional Life and Leadership Coach

Why This Workshop? Why Now?

When was the last time you felt satisfied in ALL areas of your life? Personally and Professionally?

If you’re like many people in my world, your answer might be, “It’s been a while.” or even, “Have I ever felt that way?”

If you’re low on the satisfaction scale, I want you to know that you’re not alone. I talk to so many people who feel this way. We’ve been trained to think that satisfaction is just one purchase away, one achievement away, one significant relationship away, or even one acknowledgment away.

I remember finally receiving appreciation from my boss at my last job. Praise was excruciatingly hard to come by in that company, which, not insignificantly enough, made everyone who worked there strive to earn one little morsel of positive reinforcement. I was standing at the copy machine when my boss at the time turned to me and said, “Laura, I appreciate you so much. We are working so well together. I honestly couldn’t do this job without you.”

I had worked really, really hard and waited YEARS to hear something like that from this person. And when it came? I didn’t feel that deep sense of satisfaction that I thought it would bring. In fact, I didn’t feel much of anything. I knew I was doing a good job. I knew that this person truly couldn’t do the job she was doing without me.

I’ve had the same experience- where satisfaction is either nonexistent or wanes, a week after getting the latest iPhone, or a huge raise, or committing to a relationship.

True satisfaction isn’t about the thing or the praise; it comes from inside. It’s linked to joy, pleasure, and awareness.

If satisfaction is on your bucket list for 2024 (and from my perspective, it should be on EVERYONE’S bucket list for 2024), join us for an afternoon where we will explore what this can look like for you.

How long have you been putting your joy and pleasure on hold? Are you willing to continue to put yourself on hold indefinitely?

Or are you ready to take a stand and dedicate an afternoon to yourself- to focus on your learning and your growth?

This workshop is not a lecture; it is experiential. It is designed to support you in experiencing transformation rather than just taking in more information.

To that end, come with a journal and be prepared to be on camera- there will be breakout rooms.

This workshop will allow a safe space to slow down and begin the process of exploring what it is that you- your soul, your authentic self, your true nature- really wants to be the best version of yourself.

P.S.- On another note- the boss who praised me was the same woman who tried to fire me when I was going through breast cancer treatment. She hadn’t changed. I had changed. And that changed everything. Want to know more about how I did that? Come to the workshop. If it’s possible for me, it’s possible for you too.

By the end of this workshop you will-

Clarify what satisfaction means to you.

Craft a vision for your future that includes satisfaction, joy, and pleasure.

Identify and commit to one to three action steps.

Connect deeply with a diverse group of extraordinary, like-minded humans.

Praise for Laura’s Workshops


“Laura’s workshop on How to Fall {Back} in Love with your Work was fantastic! It was very timely and helped me reframe my mindset in a really valuable way going into conversation with my leadership just a few days later. It helped me ask for what I really wanted in my call and it opened the door for further conversation with my leaders.”

— Lauren Hebbel, Assistant Director, EY America

“I just wanted to recognize your coaching in the leadership in the workshops you offer. They have helped me immensely and I have put several of the tips, insights and discoveries I learned and uncovered in your workshops and they have been life changing. I have grown professionally, personally and even resolved what previously seemed intractable problems. I am thankful for the quality of your work and for your generosity.”

— Deika Elmi, Security and Risk Manager

“I attended Laura’s workshop entitled “How to Become a Human Being rather than a Human Doing.” I honestly felt it was life changing. Laura expertly guided our group through a process and discussion that left us feeling more connected, brave and resilient. Since then, I have given myself permission to live more fully. Thank you Laura.”

— Kelly Duggan, Professor, Georgian College

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