A Season of Gratitude.

My sister set up a small shrine to my mother on her mantle. Seeing it reminded me of how much I have to be grateful for this holiday season.

First, I am so grateful for my family. My sisters and I all got a full day together with my mother the day before she passed. We laughed. We cried. We sat and held her hands and stroked her hair and played the soundtrack from The Sound of Music again and again. We each got private time with her, both before and after she died. I will treasure that time forever.

I know that situations like this can break families apart and I’m proud and grateful for all of us for coming together to support each other during one of the most difficult times in our lives.

I’m grateful that I have family in LA to spend holidays with.

I'm grateful that I was able to change the opening weekend for my latest group program to attend the memorial of a dear friend and client. I felt like I was finally able to let go in the midst of so many people he loved.

I’m grateful for my friends and my clients. I got an email yesterday from a client from the very beginning of my practice, who shared all the wonderful things that have occurred in her life as a result of our work together.

“And I’m grateful for the precious ball of love that brings me joy every single day.” - Stella Mae.

This was a bittersweet year. And I’m willing to find gratitude in all of it.


Craving More Satisfaction at Work?


“This is clearly your zone of genius.”