Adoption Day for Pink

The dog I fostered for the last five weeks was adopted yesterday.

I spent much of Friday and a large portion of yesterday in tears.

Most of the people in my life conspired to convince me to keep her. When I told my father I really wanted a smaller dog he said, “She doesn’t care how big or how small you are, she loves you anyway.”

My friend in Colorado said, “I think you get the dog you need, not the dog you want.”

I’ve wanted a female French Bulldog for years. While Pink was snuggling with me on the sofa, I was still scrolling Petfinder looking for other dogs, (which, honestly, made me feel a little guilty.)

Even though Pink tried to attack other dogs and peed on my rug and tore apart my Liberty of London quilt, I considered keeping her a hundred times. She was sweet and lovable. Her favorite thing to do was to walk over to me and lay her head on my shoulder and just breathe. I could tell she’s had a lot of trauma in her life. All she wants to do is to feel safe and held.

And yet, I really want a smaller dog.

So, I begrudgingly let her go

The woman who adopted her is so excited to care for her. She brought her a toy when she came to pick her up and Pink seemed- interested. She had been in constant contact with the owner of the rescue- and may have arranged to take the entire week next week off to bond with her.

Pink landed in a good forever home.

I’ll be forever grateful for this precious animal for coming into my life and opening me up to love again. I tried to mitigate my love for her in the beginning and one day I just gave in and allowed myself to love her all out. Even though I knew that she would likely leave. I know I want more love in my life and Pink showed me that’s possible.

I’m feeling the pain of loss without her here- my apartment feels very empty (and remarkable clean after 4 hours of housework starting the minute she left.)

I can now walk from room to room without a shadow. I can run my Roomba all day every day. I don’t have to go outside for a walk when its 115 degrees. And my lint roller is firmly back in its cupboard.

And, I’m free to once again look for French Bulldogs.

If you’re a woman and you’re looking for more in your life- more love, more enthusiasm, more joy, I’m leading a small group coaching program this Fall. Reach out to me if you’re curious.


Joy and The Grand Canyon


What do you do with a dog who has no idea how to play?