What do you do with a dog who has no idea how to play?

This is my latest foster dog, Pink.

She’s a rescue and she hasn’t been taught very many things in her life (other than to be fearful of other dogs and people who make sudden movements.)

I’ve collected an assortment of toys for her over the last month or so and she doesn’t have the slightest idea what to do with any of them.

The squeaky warthog came first as it was readily available at my neighborhood grocery store. Pink won’t go near it.

Next came the plush hedgehog, I’ve seen many dogs enthralled with this toy and I assumed she’d love it. She’s had it in her crate with her for almost a month and- nothing.

So, I got serious. I bought a plastic bone with rubber balls on the end that you can put treats in to encourage dogs to chew. After several weeks she’s learned how to chew for about a minute on the ends of this toy. But she won’t fetch it if I throw if for her and she’s not really interested.

Then I asked for help at the pet store and came home with a wishbone chew toy. Here’s what the website has to say about this toy (notice the liberal use of adjectives and exclamation points)-

            Benebone's Wishbone Chew isn't your dog's average chew toy. Made in the USA from durable nylon and real USA-sourced bacon throughout, the ergonomic wishbone will keep your dog chewing with delight! Each prong has deep flavor grooves to keep him interested and the unique, paw-friendly shape makes gripping extra easy. As if that wasn't enough, with your purchase you'll also be supporting animal welfare nationwide as a portion of all Benebone sales are donated to animal support organizations!

Sounds good, right? So far, she will lick it briefly if I bring it to her nose but nothing else.

I also bought a rope toy thinking that if she is engaging with me rather than chewing by herself it might be easier

I keep trying and the most she will do is grab onto the rope itself, but she lets go the moment I pull. 

So, what do you do with a dog who has no idea how to play?

I, of course, consulted google on this issue and learned that I can rub peanut butter all over a toy and hope that in licking the toy she’ll learn how to chew or play.

But- this isn’t really possible. I mean, I can’t have peanut butter residue all over my house.

It’s also recommended to use treats to reward her when she picks up a toy or tries to engage even a little bit in play.

I’ve been trying this. So far, the only thing she really loves to do is get close enough to me to lay her head on my shoulder.

I’m going to keep trying with her- she is getting really good at sitting so there may be hope for both of us.

All of this, of course, has highlighted for me-

Do I know how to play?

What does play mean to me as an adult?

Is riding on my Peloton bike play?

Is walking to the park at twilight play?

Is going to a social distance wine and cheese night at my friends’ house play?

Because I do like all of these things, but is this really what play looks like as an adult? 

Maybe and maybe not. I guess I’m a little like Pink now- I’m willing and open to re-learn how to play.

What about you- what do you do for play as an adult? Let me know in the comments.

And- if you’re a woman looking for more joy or more play (or more money or satisfaction) in your life, I’m leading a small coaching group for woman who want MORE this Fall. Reach out to me if you’re curious.


Adoption Day for Pink


Fostering Pink