Big lies we tell ourselves.

As women, so many of us have been trained since childhood to be nice. Smile. Take the smallest piece of the pie. Don’t ask for too much. And, maybe the worst lie of them all is that we need to be happy with what we have because we don’t DESERVE more.

As a coach, I’ve seen so many women sheepishly admit, usually in a whisper, “I want more.”

Then the buts start. But who am I to want more when I have so much? But who am I to want more when other people have so little? But I don’t know that I’ve done enough to deserve it. Maybe in a few years when I’ve done x or y or z.

What do YOU believe you have to DO to deserve more happiness or joy or enthusiasm?

Do you need to make more money? Do you need to keep a cleaner house? Do you need to pay even more attention to other people's needs? Do you need to get just one more win under your belt?

What if you didn’t have to DO anything? What if you are already worthy of creating the more you want in your life, right here, right now? What if that was your BIRTHRIGHT?

I told myself for almost ten years that I didn’t deserve to have a French Bulldog, yet. One day, I’d tell myself, when I find a city that really feels like home and I’ve mastered work-life balance and I’m part of a network of dog owners who look out for each other, then and only then will I be worthy of this kind of love.

The day I brought sweet Stella Mae home I knew I didn’t have to do anything to deserve her. I just had to have the willingness to listen to and take action on my deepest desires. Now, I couldn’t imagine my life without her.

When we deny ourselves what we’re yearning for inside we’re missing out on the breadth of the full human experience.

If you’re ready to stop skimming along on the surface of your life and pushing down your own desires for more, I have a solution for you.

Once a year I run a six-month group coaching program for women called Women Who Want More. It’s a very special place to slow down and learn how to identify and create the more that you want in your life.

Externally, women in previous groups have created romantic relationships, new jobs that feel in alignment with their values, new businesses, and clear financial plans, and almost every single participant has created more money- because more money is a by-product of confidence and self-love.

Internally, women have learned to set and uphold firm boundaries, how to have difficult conversations, how to make big asks in the world, how to practice exquisite self-care, and how to put themselves first.

Imagine knowing deep in your soul that YOU are the most important person in your life. What might be possible then?

My answer to that is ANYTHING.

Curious? Let’s talk.

You deserve more.


No longer my dream come true.


I don’t need to feel my feelings.