I don’t need to feel my feelings.

How do you manage your own feelings?

Do you avoid them, push them down, or drink/work/Netflix/Wordle over them?

Or do you allow yourself to FEEL your feelings, when they happen, in the moment?

As a coach, most people I talk to are in the first camp.

I get it. There is a LOT going on in the world right now. We’re all apprehensive about coming out of a pandemic. There is a war raging overseas. It can be HARD to feel.

And yet.

When we ignore our sadness and our grief and our pain we also mute our happiness and our joy.

The only way to experience the full breadth of the human experience is to allow ourselves to feel.

Neuroscientist Jill Bolte Taylor, in her book, My Stroke of Insight, said that the physiological lifespan of an emotion is 90 seconds.

Ask yourself, how much time and energy have you spent distancing yourself from emotions that could only last 90 seconds if they were fully expressed?

Part of the work I do with every single client is about learning how to identify and process emotions. Because when we can do that, everything can change.

If you would like to work with your feelings in a different way, let’s talk. I run a group coaching program for women where we dive into this and so much more.

We start in April. Join us.


Big lies we tell ourselves.


I used to be fun!