My Mother and More

We moved my mother into assisted living last week. Somewhere in that move she lost the ability to recognize me or my sisters and the majority of her capacity to reason.

My relationship with my mother has been complicated. I used to look at my mother with so much judgment. I judged her choices, I judged her priorities, I judged EVERYTHING about her. I now realize my privilege- the privilege SHE provided for me by telling me over and over that I could do whatever I wanted, that I was special, that I had a gift to share with the world, that it was OK to want more for my life.

I believed her when she said these things to me. I created a life where I could invest in myself, both financially and emotionally. I’ve supported my own growth with therapists, coaches, and a Masters Degree in Spiritual Psychology. My life looks a lot different than my mother’s. I know that I can create whatever I want. I know I can create more.

My mother got married at 22, had 4 daughters, and gave up her career to stay at home and be a mom. I can’t be certain of what my mother would have said if I asked her the question, “What do you want more of in your life?” I don’t know that she allowed herself the liberty to wonder if there might be more available to her.

And now, in her current state, having more would mean regaining some cognitive function, to recognize her daughters and make sense of the fact that she has a new home.

In a way, the work I do today as a professional coach is a result of my mother’s influence. In addition to believing in me, she modeled compassion, empathy and grace.

I run a signature group coaching program for women called Women Who Want More. I started this because I saw so many clients show up in front of me knowing they wanted more in their lives and grappling with allowing themselves to want more and not knowing how to create it.

This Saturday, 8/14 I’m running a complimentary virtual workshop on this very topic- Women Who Want More. I do still have a few spots left. I’ll post the link in the comments, register if this calls to you. And if you’re not available- dm me. I’m committed to helping more women create more.

My mother no longer has an opportunity to change her future- will you take a chance on changing yours?


Would You Like More Time?


Dementia and my Mother