Hiking on a Thursday morning

What do you see when you zoom in on this photo?

I’ll tell you what I see.


This was taken on a Thursday morning a few weeks ago. I actually blocked out time in my calendar on a workday to go on a hike with a friend.

This hike in the mountains outside of LA requires walking through a river three times. As distasteful as this was to me, I did it anyway. This photo was taken in the first crossing. Being in the water was both unnerving and exhilarating.

I’ve gone through so much of my life limiting my joy.

I told myself that in order to deserve joy I had to get more clients, or design one more best-selling handbag, or make x amount of money, or spend more time writing.

The thing about work is, there’s always more to do.

I’m realizing now that joy can co-exist with work. One doesn’t have to limit the other.

I’m looking at my calendar differently today. I schedule time in for things that I enjoy- morning runs with my latest foster dog, driving out to see the ocean on a regular basis, and getting out into nature during the week.

What I’m seeing is that the more joy I bring into my life the better my life (and my business) works.

If you believe that you’ve been limiting your joy, or your enthusiasm, or your satisfaction in life- I’m offering a small group coaching program for women starting in October.

It’s for women who want more from their lives.

Send me a message through the contact form if this calls to you.


Fostering Pink


A Dog Named Jack