I can do it myself.

How often do you find yourself using the phrase, “I can do it myself”?

It might sound like this:

I don’t need someone to help me set up this new tech gadget, (that may eat up my whole weekend.) I can do it myself.

I don’t need someone to help organize my garage. I can do it myself.

I know that month after month I say I’m going to train someone else to run this report, and that it’s not a good use of my (or my company’s) time, but once again, I can do it myself.

I don’t have people in my world who will actually help keep me accountable and inspire me to change, but if I REALLY put my mind to it this time, I can do it myself.

I’ve personally been guilty of saying every single one of these phrases.

If there’s one thing a lot of us have learned in the pandemic it’s that none of us can really do this life alone.

This became very clear when we all had to hunt for toilet paper and hand sanitizer in March of 2020.

As humans, we are dependent on a rather precarious web of support that allows us to navigate this life.

In my experience, when it comes to personal development, we ALL need help. None of us can truly thrive alone. Our view of the world is entirely influenced by our experience of the past. We require other people to help us not only craft solutions to our greatest challenges but also to see possibilities we can’t fathom for ourselves.

To me, coaching is one of the fastest and most effective ways to change our circumstances. If you feel stuck in your life and are looking for a change, I have an idea for you.

First, come to my complimentary virtual workshop this Saturday, 2/19 called Fall {Back} in Love with Your Life. I’ll drop the link to register in the comments.

And second, if you can't make it on Saturday, reach out to me. I am making a big announcement this weekend and you don’t want to miss it.


I used to be fun!


This is temporary.