I used to be fun!

I went to a dinner party last night with nine other women to talk about fun. YES! A real dinner party with patio lights and a fire pit and cloth napkins and wine with edible glitter (don’t tell my health coach).

As we went around the table, woman after woman said a version of the phrase, “I used to be fun.”

The truth is, we all still have the capacity for fun, if we allow it.

This photo is from about fifteen years ago, from the first and only time I jumped out of a plane. When I was first asked to go skydiving I instinctively said, “No way.” Then I thought about it. I crave adventure. So why was I saying no to something just because it was way out of my comfort zone? I changed my answer and I said YES to something that terrified me.

Skydiving is a lot of things. Risky. Counterintuitive. Bone-chilling.

And once my instructor pushed me out of the plane, intensely and absolutely fun.

Fun because adrenaline flooded my body. Fun because I WAS NOT IN CHARGE. Fun because I was somewhere I’d never been before. Fun because in those moments in the air I wasn't anywhere else in my head. I was completely and 100% present in the moment.

When was the last time that you were completely and 100% present in the moment?

Take a moment. Think about it.

Has it been awhile?

After dinner last night we made a mutual list of things that we could do together to have fun this year. Riding the roller coaster on the boardwalk in Santa Cruz is on that list. As is dancing on the beach in Santa Monica and more dinners just like last night, where we all ended the night laughing uproariously around a fire.

I know I can be fun again. I know that all the women at that dinner last night can be fun again. Like anything else, it simply takes time and attention.

If you’d like to have more fun in your life (or more joy, or more satisfaction or more… ) I’m leading a six-month group coaching program for women called Women Who Want More. We launch in April. Reach out to me to learn more.


I don’t need to feel my feelings.


I can do it myself.