I'll Start Writing When...


I spent a lot of time in the car in the last few weeks and listened to many podcasts. (ROAD TRIP!) This quote is from Brene Brown's first episode with James Clear, the author of #atomichabits (how did I not have his book yet?)

"Many people who have amazing books inside of them, don't actually survive that pressure long enough to write the book that we all need to read."

This quote, combined with James’ explanation of a different way to look at goals allowed me to reframe how I’ve been thinking about the book I need to write.

For twenty years, I’ve been putting it off. I’ll start on the book when I… make X amount of dollars in my business, or when I rent a cabin in the woods for a month so I can focus, or when I do more research.

Can you relate?

This morning I got up and did my morning pages because a writer would start their day that way.

I don’t need to BECOME a writer. I AM a writer.

This is the year. This is the time.

What have you been putting off?


I Deserve This


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