World Domination Takes On a New Meaning

World Domination Summit.

When I’ve told people I’ve attended this conference for the last decade they usually look at me with confusion and say, “What? You? World domination?”

It can be hard to describe this conference, this community, this group of people who came together in new and different configurations year after year to laugh, to learn, to inspire and be inspired, and to catch a glimpse of a future filled with possibilities.

I first attended in 2012 because I read about it in a blog post from someone I barely knew. I knew deep inside that I needed to be there. Rather than talking myself out of it, I bought a ticket, booked a hotel, and went to a conference where I didn’t know a soul. I was pushed way outside my comfort zone. So I walked up to groups of strangers and asked if I could join them for dinner. I stood up and belted out the lyrics to “Don’t Stop Believin’." with Brene Brown and 500 of my new closest friends. When Prashant Kakad demanded of us that we would dance for 2 solid hours at the closing party at #crystalballroompdx I obliged. I loved it. All of it.

I bought 2 tickets for the following year and came home and told my friend Gary Edenfield that he was required to go with me the next year. I couldn’t not share the magic I’d experienced.

In the last 10 years, I’ve printed a variety of business cards to take to the conference. I started with Laura Foster MA with no tagline. Then there was Laura Foster: writer/blogger. Then the first trepidatious Laura Foster: coach. Which evolved into my last business card 4 years ago, Laura Foster: Life and Business Coach/Speaker.

I didn’t take business cards to the conference this year because I’m an established coach and I no longer need a card to announce who I am.

It’s remarkable to reflect on the last 10 years to see how far I’ve come. Also to see how I’ve seen my friends in this community change and thrive and grow.

This was the last year of the World Domination Summit. I have to say, as ready as I am to move on to something else, the closing weekend was bittersweet.

I’m leaving with a profound appreciation for the friendships I’ve made, for the possibilities that have been unveiled, and for the visionary leadership of Chris Guillebeau and his team.

I am forever changed.


I'll Start Writing When...


I Don't Need Permission