Holding Steady in Times of Chaos

The Eye of the Storm is a six-week program for women designed to create a safe space for exploring supportive practices to calm our nervous systems and navigate the chaos surrounding us. Let’s not just “get through” the next few months. Let’s thrive. 

Photo by Luka Vovk on Unsplash

Enrollment is OPEN! We begin Tuesday, October 15, 2024.

Why this Program? Why Now?

If you’re anything like me, you’re feeling overwhelmed by everything that is happening in our world right now. Here are just a few of the things that my clients and I are finding most troublesome:

-The US is involved in multiple wars that have been going on for years. 

-The threat of (more) problems with the US economy, including further layoffs across multiple sectors. 

-Our country is literally on fire. As of 8/22/24, 58 large active fires were burning in the US.

-The price of groceries, gas, and essential services seem to be at an all-time high.

-Trying to find affordable and competent healthcare.

-And, of course, the big looming fact that we are entering into the final stretches of one of the most important and controversial elections in US history.

-And then- there is the terrifying prospect of Project 2025. Of losing Obamacare. Of every woman in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA losing her right to autonomy over her own body.

It’s not just you.

It’s a LOT.

On top of all of this, if you’re like most women,
you’re also trying to:

  • Work at your job or run your own business.

  • Manage your household.

  • Take care of your family (which might include your parents.)

  • Maintain your social relationships.

  • Look presentable when you leave the house.

  • Be the leader you know you’re meant to be.

  • Get your steps in every day.

  • Be a good human.

And, with all the time that’s left over, make time for self-care.

All of this makes me want to hide under the covers and watch French Bulldog and baby farm animal videos on Instagram all day, every day. Perhaps you can relate.



But honestly, as nice as it may feel to quiet all the noise, this type of escapism isn’t self-care.

{And, If I’m really being truthful,} I sometimes find myself clicking on the comments of controversial posts that I know are going to contain hateful comments that leave me feeling empty and very, very afraid.

So, I got real with myself, and I asked myself what I can do about the turmoil I'm feeling - and I know you’re feeling as well - and this program was born.

The Eye of the Storm is a very special group program designed to help us through these times at a price point lower than anything I’ve ever offered before.

What this group is-

  • A safe space to talk about what’s happening for you- your feelings, your fears, and your experiences- a place to be witnessed and to witness others. You will learn that you are not alone.

  • A place for thoughtful and respectful conversations.

  • A container dedicated to support you in processing the emotions that are bubbling under the surface of your day-to-day life-  emotions that you may be really afraid to work through on your own.

  • A community of like-minded, concerned women who want to navigate the next several months with grace.

  • An opportunity for you to clearly hear yourself think.

  • A place to experience supportive practices to help you stabilize your nervous system and find calm within your body.

  • An oasis in a sea of chaos.

What this group is not-

  • This is NOT JUST ABOUT THE ELECTION, honestly, the election is just ONE of the issues we’re all facing today.

  • A place to further your personal agenda- no matter what the topic is.

  • Just another support group. You won’t just be listening to others share. You will have space to actively work with your own concerns.

  • An echo chamber. This is not a place for everyone to reinforce the same ideas and make others wrong. It’s an opportunity to be with and acknowledge our differences.

  • A container where you have to couch your words or bite your tongue.

  • A lecture hall.

  • A place to give or receive advice.

  • A fashion show. No makeup required! You get to just show up as you.

  • An opportunity to sell your products or services- no matter how vital you feel they are.

  • Designed to feel like just another to-do on your already long list.

Calls will NOT be recorded. You will have the right and the space to speak freely in a safe and sacred environment.

This program is NOT for Women in Crisis.

This is a fit for women who have already engaged in personal or professional development work and are generally doing well, but feel overwhelmed and fatigued by the current news cycle and seek community and connection during this critical time.

This program is for you if:

  • You are terrified of what might happen if our country elects a convicted felon into power (again.)

  • You see how our rights as women are systematically being STOLEN from us.

  • When you start to feel a little hope inside, you quickly shut it down because you have no idea if your country, this country you love, will elect a biracial woman for president.

  • You want to go into the holiday season feeling steady and strong.

  • You need to share your feelings about your father, cousin, or best friend from high school and how their political or societal views are so different from your own—not from a place of complaining or againstness but from a place of understanding and healing.

  • You’re willing to try new things to balance your nervous system and create a deeper sense of calm.

  • You want relief from the overwhelm and the exhaustion so present in your days.

Here’s what you can expect to receive from this program:

  • Six tools to calm your nervous system and center yourself- one per call.

  • A space to explore what is brutally honest for you- without apology, without judgment, without censorship, and without explanation.

  • A place where you don’t have to please or caretake for anyone else.

  • A community of like-minded women to champion and support you.

  • 90 minutes a week where you won’t be scrolling through your feeds or reading the news- you’ll be slowing down and working on YOU.

  • An opportunity to enter the holiday season with a sense of calm rather than being entrenched in chaos.

Do not try to navigate these next few months alone. Join us and give your voice a place to be heard, to be understood, and to be healed.

What’s Included?

Weekly Group Calls

We meet as a group for 90 minutes weekly on Zoom from 5:00 - 6:30 pm Pacific for six weeks. Calls take place on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. Calls will be a combination of centering practices, private conversations in break-out rooms, group coaching, and sharing.

Private Facebook Group

We’ll have our own private Facebook group so you can connect with the other participants and have a place to post your thoughts.


Calls are on Tuesdays or Wednesdays
on Zoom
from 5 pm - 6:30 pm Pacific.
Full Dates:
Tuesday 10/15
Wednesday 10/23
Tuesday 10/29
Wednesday 11/6
Tuesday 11/12
Tuesday 11/19


  • There is no “homework” in this program. The calls are 90 minutes a week of focused, dedicated time for you. There is no other time commitment.

  • I get asked this question all the time! I expect this program to be filled with educated, thoughtful women who are eager to share their experiences and to hold space for others without judgment. The women in my world tend to be successful, kind and generous.

  • I facilitate each weekly call. If you’d like additional support outside of the calls, just reach out to me, and I’ll get you details about adding a few 1:1 calls with me at a discounted fee.

  • While the marketing of this program clearly is designed to attract women who favor a Democratic presidential ticket, there are so many other issues in the world today that not everyone will think just like you. And, since this is a safe space to share, I expect you will learn and grow so much from other’s points of view.

  • In a word, no. I strongly considered creating a space that welcomed all points of view, but given the extreme division in our country right now, the work of bringing both sides together is just not mine to do (right now.) I fully respect your right to choose your candidate, and I'm available for some 1:1 sessions with you if you'd like support with some of the issues I've raised on this page.

  • As stated above, the calls are not recorded to provide a safe space for everyone. If you can attend even two or three of the calls, I still see this program as being tremendously valuable. The sessions are independent, which means you won’t need content from previous calls to fully participate.

Fees and Registration

Click here to register


Email me here.